Monday, August 13, 2007

Nothing to say to start the day...

This morning is really nothing but a continuation of last night since I haven't gone to sleep yet for it was the yearly meteorite shower! The newspaper said the peak would be right before dawn so my friend, teacher, and I stayed up (other people were out but left throughout the night) until then to see the big finale. We hiked up this cliff to get away from the city lights as much as possible but it was still a bit polluted with light. Saw a lot of 'em though...and saturated the night with good conversation and the search for constellations from the Belgium star map. As the sky became pinker, the other two headed back but since I was up, I decided to hike up the hill to see the sunrise. It was quite a trek, up and down cliffs and through farm country. I took this road that had a lot of manure heap had steam rising from it so, of course, I had to take a picture. Finally arrived up the hill while the sun was just showing over the city. Breathtaking! Quite possibly the prettiest sight I have ever seen. I took a roll of film of it, but unfortunately I left my UV filter back at the apartment. Hopefully, they will come out in some shape or form. The outline of the citadel and the city were just shrouded in colors of red, pink, and purple while birds meandered through the sky (it's quite a feat to spot birds on the island since everyone likes to shoot them during the day). Walking back, this old Gozitan man stopped in his car to see if I was lost and wanted to give me a lift back into town...I had to decline since walking was enjoyable, although I did get lost along the way :-0 but it's not hard to find your way back on the island. Crossing over the bridge to get into the village, I spotted some skin divers suiting up to pick up trash (on their own accord) that was floating around in the water. Went for a swim (this is around 7 AM) and snorkel run. Found some cool rocks and such, spotted some mudfish (???or whatever they are called-those fish that swim sideways and are camoed with the sand), and experienced the only kind of village life without the tourists! City sweepers, fishermen coming in from their morning run, Catholics (well, everyone is Catholic here) walking to church, people washing their cars, and the cafes preparing the tables and chairs for the morning "rush". By far the most interesting and culturally valuable time in Xlendi so far.

Oh, and yesterday I saw a JELLYFIIIIISH while snorkeling. While I was watching it, the tide pulled it away and my first instinct was to get closer to catch up with it.....But then I kinda figured the tide would bring it in even further so I swam away. I did see a jellyfish and that's good enough for me. :-)

Two nights ago was Gozo Beer Festival. Some band did a Kraftwerk cover. Pretty funny.

Anyways, this post is way too subjective---me, me, me. Blech, just didn't want to forget my day that's all. Anyways, I get in (hopefully) this Thursday at 11:30 PM. If you want to have a special, special place in my heart, please come with joint in hand, any good microbrew in the other, and some numptous Thai food. The very thought of all that makes me go something something.

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