Thursday, March 12, 2009


So this is of a show we went to awhile back. the band is called Zamsanga and they're a French reggae band...really fun. If you want to check it out, here's the link:

Auroville radio is really cool and you'll be able to get a feel of what's going on here better than what I could tell you with words. So, going off of the first page...the first one listed, "The Kali Festival", we actually went to but had to leave RIGHT before it got crazy...chicken sacrifices and all. Also, "Drip Drip Dry" with Tlaloc is really good. I wish you all could meet Tlaloc. He's hilarious and just an all around awesome dude. Originally from Hawaii. "Raw and Honest" is good too...Anandi is the sweetest woman ever who has such a wonderful laugh. She makes food for us on Thursdays...yum yum.

aaand, we went to see Emergence last night at Bharat Nivas (the Indian Pavilion). Krishna is the guy who started Solitude Farm (the farm I was working on for a month)'s their myspace link:


oh, i was supposed to see South Indian classical music tonight but my taxi never came. doh.

1 comment:

*Meghan* said...

We got your postcard yesterday and I LOVE IT!! It's so beautiful and I feel so special that you sent us one and especially one of Lakshmi. Get little updates here and there for Mitchell - sounds like you're doing well. Much love and many blessings, Meghan